In the interests of openness and transparency we are publishing the following open letter from Cllr Kerr to Cllr McLean (SNP) - Glasgow City Convener for Housing, Development, Built Heritage and Land Use - in light of the devastating news that SNP cuts in Holyrood will severely impact affordable housing targets here in Glasgow.
Dear Councillor McLean,
I am writing to you following a deeply concerning answer at Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee on May 8th 2024. In response to my Conservative colleague, Cllr John Daly, it was revealed that the SNP Government’s cut to the housing budget has put the council target of 6,500 affordable homes at risk.
As you are well aware having voted with me, Glasgow City Council has declared a housing emergency. So, to face such brutal cuts from the SNP at Holyrood is a kick in the teeth at this very difficult time for many Glaswegians. The Council Officers revealed that Glasgow was due to receive £104 million from the Scottish Government but after their budget we find ourselves £26 million short. The Council Officer said, "We will bare the brunt of that 25% cut across Scotland." Adding the cuts will, "Absolutely put at risk the delivery of the 6,500 homes."
This will be devastating news to thousands of Glaswegians stuck on social housing waiting lists, where the dream of a good affordable home is rapidly evaporating. Given your role as City Convener for Housing, Development, Built Heritage and Land Use, can you answer the following:
1) Can you confirm the figures above is accurate and when the 6,500 target was due to be met?
2) How long will the cuts put that plan back and at what point will an updated paper come before the council advising of this change?
3) What conversions have you had personally with Scottish Government officials and Ministers to rectify this brutal cut?
4) Do you share my anger and concern at such reckless cuts to the housing budget?
5) Will you join me in writing jointly, putting aside party politics, to urge the Scottish Government to rethink and give Glasgow the money it is due?
Glaswegians will be watching your answer to these vital questions.
The city is sick fed up with politicians grandstanding and not taking action. The whataboutery and game playing is having real-life consequences on the people of this city and it must end now. The SNP, Labour, Green and Conservative Groups all came together to declare a Housing Emergency - it's now over to us to put our words into actions.
I hope you will join me in condemning unequivocally this cut from the SNP Government and urge our new First Minister to rectify and fix it urgently.
Kind Regards,
Bailie Thomas Kerr